【同义词辨析】 2017-08-09 天赋gift-knack

gift: often implies special favor by God, nature, or fortune: the ~ of a beautiful singing voice.

faculty: applies to an innate or acquired ability for a particular accomplishment or function: a rare ~ for remembering people's names.

aptitude: implies an innate capacity as well as a natural liking for some activity: a boy with a definite mechanical ~.    如美国高考SAT=Scholastic Aptitude Test学术天赋测试

bent: is nearly equal to aptitude but it stresses inclination perhaps more than ability: a family that has always had an artistic ~.

talent: suggests a marked natural ability that needs to be developed: allowed her dancing ~ to go to waste.

genius: suggests impressive inborn creative ability and often the inner drive that forces its possessor to achieve: the ~ of Mozart.

knack: implies a comparatively minor but special ability making for ease and dexterity in performance: has the ~ for making swift, cutting retorts.    锋利的(讽刺的)反驳

gift天赋: 来自造物主或自然或运气的恩惠,faculty天赋: 天生习得,aptitude天赋: 天生能力爱好,bent爱好: 更强调爱好(inclination)而非能力,talent天赋: 需要开发发展的天赋,genius天才: 强调天生创造力内在驱动力,knack窍门: 技巧,使人做事轻松娴熟

记忆方法: 1) 首字母GFABTGK重组成BAT蝙蝠GKGF高空高飞<==飞翔的天赋

         2) 天赋的意思是做某事的特殊才能mean a special ability or unusual capacity for doing something.首字母GFABTGK重组成BAT蝙蝠GKGF高空高飞<==飞翔的天赋